
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Boo to R

Oh my goodness this just keeps getting more difficult and/or frustrating. I got an email today from the Utah Film Commission inviting me to a "cast and crew" screening of Frozen at Sundance this year. Haven't I had enough tests for one measly little week? Apparently the term "when it rains, it pours" can apply to many different facets.

See, the issue at hand is that this film is rated R. And in the last week, I have realized now more than ever WHY I need to "stand fast" to my decision. But it just sucks, because how often do you have a film that you worked on premiere at Sundance?? That's not exactly a tiny little film festival. It is in fact, the "largest independent cinema festival in the U.S." ::sigh:: There *is* a cast/crew party beforehand that I might go to. We'll see. Maybe I'll still get the tickets (they're free) and just give them to a friend of mine who really wants to go.

Or, you know, I could actually work on films I *want* to see the final product of! Wouldn't that be nice. One day, right?

1 comment:

Olivia Heilmann said...

The party sounds fun! Way to stand your ground!