
Friday, July 17, 2009

What's In A Name?

How many of you know how to spell my name correctly?  Both first and last?  If so, 10 bonus points to you.  I am amazed at how many people whom I have known for years still can't spell my name right.  I've even had family members misspell it even in the last few months!
Working in film, your name on the credits - and more importantly, your name spelled correctly - is a big deal.  When I worked on Singles Ward 2 I can't even begin to tell you how many times I had to correct them.  Each day the call sheet would have it misspelled again and I would personally go to the guy in charge of call sheets and give him a corrected copy.  Every time someone wrote my name down for something, I made sure to spell it out...and even when I did that, they still didn't listen.  It was like they were on autopilot for the double S.  But I figured that I'd made enough fuss about it that when the movie was finally released, it would at least be spelled correctly in the credits.  WRONG.  They put two Ss in my first name.
I have the absolute hardest time getting my name spelled right on ANY call sheet.  The production I worked on last week... spelled my last name 'Kelly.' Week before?  'Marissa.'  I have friends whom I have known for years message me on facebook saying "hey Marissa."  ...Really?  That's the one that baffles me the most though, because my name is right there in big bold letters at the top of my page!  If you click on my name to chat with me, it's at the top of the box!  How on earth could you misspell it!?
I accepted the fact long ago that I will never be able to find my name in a gift shop on one of their key chains, mugs, pens, etc.  It makes for less time stuck in those shops because I already know it won't be there.  However, when MY name is going to be credited to something, it darn well better be RIGHT!  Credit is a big deal in this business, and proper name-spellage is even more important.  I am not Marissa Kelley, nor am I Marisa Kelly, or Marrisa Kelly or any variation of such.  
M-A-R-I-S-A  K-E-L-L-E-Y.  
I know I know, I don't normally rant on the blog and it's usually filled with "guess what I did today!" sorts of things.  But I just got tipped over the edge today and I am so sick of having to respell my name to the same person 8 times before they finally get it right.  Make it a point to know you have your friends' names spelled right - they'll appreciate you for it.  I know I do...  


Karianne Salisbury said...

Oh Marissa, you are so funny. But I understand—it kinda bothers me when people spell my short name Kari, with out an e. Yes, it makes more sense, but that's not how I spell it!

P.S. I DO know how to spell your name right so I get 10 points.

P.P.S. Yes, I spelled you name wrong on purpose... :)

Heather said...

Sorry! ;-)

Marisa said...

Haha Mom, you already know I'd rather it be spelled the way it is. I think it looks gross with two Ss. ...That and the whole symmetry factor. :P